精品资源 发表于 2017-7-13 03:13:07

课程名称:   天津大学 高等土力学 56讲  王成华主讲

免费试看:    http://pan.baidu.com/s/1boT5xRh


Analyses of soil stresses(八).flv
Analyses of soil stresses(九).flv
Analyses of soil stresses(六).flv
Analyses of soil stresses(七).flv
Analyses of soil stresses(三).flv
Analyses of soil stresses(十).flv
Analyses of soil stresses(十二).flv
Analyses of soil stresses(十三).flv
Analyses of soil stresses(十四).flv
Analyses of soil stresses(十一).flv
Analyses of soil stresses(四).flv
Analyses of soil stresses(五).flv
Deformation and Consolidation(八).flv
Deformation and Consolidation(二).flv
Deformation and Consolidation(六).flv
Deformation and Consolidation(七).flv
Deformation and Consolidation(三).flv
Deformation and Consolidation(四).flv
Deformation and Consolidation(五).flv
Deformation and Consolidation(一).flv
Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Earth Engineering(二).flv
Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Earth Engineering(六).flv
Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Earth Engineering(三).flv
Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Earth Engineering(四).flv
Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Earth Engineering(五).flv
Limit Equilibrium Analysis of Earth Engineering(一).flv
Permeability and Seepage Analysis(八).flv
Permeability and Seepage Analysis(二).flv
Permeability and Seepage Analysis(六).flv
Permeability and Seepage Analysis(七).flv
Permeability and Seepage Analysis(三).flv
Permeability and Seepage Analysis(四).flv
Permeability and Seepage Analysis(五).flv
Permeability and Seepage Analysis(一).flv
Physiochemical vs. Mechanical Properties of Soils(二).flv
Physiochemical vs. Mechanical Properties of Soils(六).flv
Physiochemical vs. Mechanical Properties of Soils(七).flv
Physiochemical vs. Mechanical Properties of Soils(三).flv
Physiochemical vs. Mechanical Properties of Soils(四).flv
Physiochemical vs. Mechanical Properties of Soils(五).flv
Physiochemical vs. Mechanical Properties of Soils(一).flv
Shear Strength of Soils(二).flv
Shear Strength of Soils(九).flv
Shear Strength of Soils(六).flv
Shear Strength of Soils(三).flv
Shear Strength of Soils(四).flv
Shear Strength of Soils(五).flv
Shear Strength of Soils(一).flv

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查看完整版本: 天津大学 高等土力学 56讲 王成华主讲